Holy Vertorama Batman!

I love vertoramas. It's a perspective and format you don't see much in photography, so anytime you get a half-decent one it's pretty striking.

In addition to exquisite ceilings, the side chapels in Saints Peter and Paul Church in Kraków afforded lots of great vertorama opportunities. This is probably the best of the captures I made.

Vertoramas are challenging because you're usually going from very near foreground to very far background so you have to have a very wide depth of field. The scene can also present an extremely wide dynamic range. For example, in my photo the bottom was the scene was very dark since it was inside a dim church (30 ft from the windows) but the top was very bright from the big windows. A lot of people use HDR to handle such broad dynamic range, but I try to get a single shot that represents a compromise exposure, then dodge and burn in post to compensate. When I nail it, I think it results in a more natural looking photo.
